SalishSeaCast ERDDAP
Public access to the SalishSeaCast model products |
Brought to you by SalishSeaCast UBC EOAS MEOPAR NOAA |
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | Files, FVCOM, Vancouver Harbour and Fraser River, Baroclinic, R12 | M | background | UBC EOAS & DFO IOS | ubcSSFVCOM-VHFR-BaroclinicR12 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acknowledgement | String | Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), Digital Research Alliance of Canada |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Grid |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | Michael.Dunphy at |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | SalishSeaCast Project Contributors |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | UBC EOAS & DFO IOS |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution_fullname | String | Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | file, identifier, lastModified, model results, modified, name, size, time |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | The SalishSeaCast model results are copyright by the SalishSeaCast Project Contributors and The University of British Columbia. They are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | fileType |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Files, FVCOM, Vancouver Harbour and Fraser River, Baroclinic, R12 Baroclinic sea surface height, currents, temperature, and salinity from VHFR R12 configuration FVCOM model runs. The values are calculated for an unstructured model grid that covers Vancouver Harbour, English Bay, and the lower Fraser River on the coast of British Columbia. The model runs include Fraser River discharge forcing based on daily average discharges from river gauge at Hope with a 1 day lag. The river temperature is climatological. The time values are UTC. The Vancouver Harbour and Fraser River (VHFR) FVCOM model grid and configurations were developed by Michael Dunphy, et al at the Institute of Ocean Sciences. The VHFR FVCOM model uses currents, sea surface height, temperature, and salinity from the Salish Sea NEMO model as boundary conditions, and the same ECCC HRDPS GEM 2.5km resolution winds that are used to force the NEMO model. R12: FVCOM-4.1; NEMO-3.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | testOutOfDate | String | now+24hours |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | Files, FVCOM, Vancouver Harbour and Fraser River, Baroclinic, R12 |
variable | url | String | ||
attribute | url | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | url | long_name | String | URL |
variable | name | String | ||
attribute | name | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | name | long_name | String | File Name |
variable | lastModified | double | ||
attribute | lastModified | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | lastModified | long_name | String | Last Modified |
attribute | lastModified | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | lastModified | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | size | double | ||
attribute | size | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | size | long_name | String | Size |
attribute | size | units | String | bytes |
variable | fileType | String | ||
attribute | fileType | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | fileType | long_name | String | File Type |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.